Singapore celebrated her 58th birthday this year and SingCham Korea hosted an exciting party filled with nostalgia, fun games, and gifts!
The evening began on a slightly serious note with the Singapore national anthem and pledge, but that quickly gave way to merriment as guests enjoyed a delicious buffet and drinks, competed against one another in traditional games to win a variety of prizes, and snapped multiple photos at our Singapore mural to keep as a memento for the night.
Although not everyone got to bring home a prize from the games or lucky draw, everyone did get a little something to bring home as we prepared door gifts for everyone! After all, what is a birthday party without presents?
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our sponsors for making the event a success! Thank you DBS, UOB, Deepthinker Escape Room, CapitaLand, Catching Clicks Digital Agency, Dwight Seoul, and Singapore Global Network for the monetary support. Deepthinker also kindly sponsored our beautiful Singapore mural!
Next, we have our lucky draw and gifts sponsors - The Ascott, JustCo, OSIM, Daewoo E&C, Yachtrip, DR&AJU, Dessert Merlion, NepMoi, and Choga. Also not forgetting everyone who contributed to the door gifts for our wonderful guests - Kaya Korea, Ooh Mala Korea, Gryphon Tea Company, Singapore Houten, and Filmplace. Finally, we'd also like to thank Bee Cheng Hiang for giving our guests some snacks at the buffet line.
As always, our event was made possible only because of everyone's strong support and participation, so thank you once again!
And we didn't forget that there would be no event without guests, so our warmest gratitude to everyone who joined us in celebrating Singapore's birthday! We hope you enjoyed yourselves and we look forward to spending many more fun evenings together.
Here are some highlights from the evening! You can also head over to our Party Like It's 1965! photo album where you can view and download more photos.
주한싱가포르상공회의소 | 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 317 13층
대표자: Yong Wei Feng Justin | 연락처: +82-10-9832-9388
사업자등록번호: 401-82-11399 | 통신판매신고번호: 2024-서울마포-0433
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SingCham Korea will work with you from the planning stage of the event to maximise the impact of your sponsorship. Please contact the chamber if you are interested in sponsoring any chamber events by using the contact information.