Called the “Climate Card” - the all-inclusive monthly transit pass plan will offer unlimited access to the city's transportation services at a fixed price of 65,000 won ($48.70). This includes subway, bus and bicycle-sharing services.
On top of encouraging the use of public transportation so as to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the transit pass plan is set to relieve increasing living costs.
The Climate Card will be launched next year and will become available for purchase in the second half of 2024 following a pilot operation from January to May.
주한싱가포르상공회의소 | 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 317 13층
대표자: Yong Wei Feng Justin | 연락처: +82-10-9832-9388
사업자등록번호: 401-82-11399 | 통신판매신고번호: 2024-서울마포-0433
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