Shinhan Card and the Singapore Tourism Board have signed a joint marketing partnership to provide special perks to travelers heading to Singapore. This agreement outlines plans for collaborative marketing efforts over the next three years, involving various sectors such as aviation, lodging, shopping, and dining.
The goal is to provide comprehensive travel services and valuable information to customers visiting Singapore for leisure or business purposes, leveraging Shinhan Card's robust data capabilities for customized marketing. As part of their initial campaign, Shinhan Card will introduce "Go Go SING" in May, focusing on their popular "Shinhan Card SOL Travel Check" program.
This campaign will offer SOL Travel Check users discounts on airline tickets, hotel stays, cashback for local spending, and exclusive overseas services in collaboration with major Singaporean partners like Singapore Airlines and Marina Bay Sands Hotel. Additionally, partnerships with platforms like Klook will provide discounts on tickets to Singapore attractions.
주한싱가포르상공회의소 | 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 317 13층
대표자: Yong Wei Feng Justin | 연락처: +82-10-9832-9388
사업자등록번호: 401-82-11399 | 통신판매신고번호: 2024-서울마포-0433
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